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Madiba Magic feeds the hungry

It’s not all gloom and doom. Nelson Mandela gave 67 years fighting for the rights of humanity. Every year, South Africans are asked to celebrate Mandela Day on 18 July by giving 67 minutes of their time to make a difference in the lives of others. The number 67 has been commemorated in a number of other ways too.

Although the celebrations were a bit muted this year because of the riots and looting, there were some notable achievements. In a collaboration arranged by the SA Poultry Association, egg and chicken farmers provided the protein input for a targeted 67 000 litres of soup for poor communities.

This is the second year that the poultry industry has partnered with Chefs with Compassion, which has prepared more than 1.7 million meals for hungry people since the coronavirus pandemic hit last April.

More than eight tons of chicken meat and nearly 10 000 eggs not only enabled those magnificent chefs to exceed the target; the final volume was 70 897 litres of soup – but there was enough left over for them to produce nutritious sandwiches and other meals for the rest of the month.

Some “Madiba Magic” when it was needed most.