A poultry farmer in the Nigel area east of Johannesburg is waging a Twitter campaign for the removal of 15% value added tax from poultry feed.
Ade Camngca heads Ruffled Feathers and he’s doing just that with his VAT campaign. He supports FairPlay’s call for the removal of VAT from some chicken portions, but says the rise in feed costs is causing problems for chicken farmers, and especially small-scale farmers.
“In many parts of the world, governments offer subsidies to stimulate additional production, especially for favoured commodities. Well, poultry (meat, eggs and all) should be a favoured commodity in a ‘developing’ country like ours,” he observed in a recent Tweet.
Well said, Ade!
South Africa’s poultry farmers receive no subsidies at all, unlike their competitors in other countries who get all sorts of government support, sometimes indirect, and then dump their chicken products here.